I'm sorry it's been so long since I posted. I've been extremely busy. I've been trying to negate my disabilities, find a job and get my friend, Bunny's, name off my blog. Long story. Anyway, eac step I take is a step in the right direction, each mile brings me a mile closer to my dream.
I finally have a strain of rabbits I think will succeed, regardless of conditions. I'm planning to pasture or green feed them in about two weeks, that is if I can keep C from wanting to pet them all the time. I know they're soft, but sheesh! Too friendly and I won't be able to butcher them! I think that's what C really wants. She'd rather get attached to them then have to find them homes than let them be dinner.
The vegetable garden seems to be doing well, probably because of all the recent rains and the bunny berries we used on them. I can't wait for the tomatoes! Next year, I hope I can have some sort of raised bed.
Anyway, that's my update for now, more later!
Blessed Be.
All I've ever really wanted was to move into the middle of nowhere with no luxuries, such as electricity, and make a home for myself. I am disabled, to the point that I have difficulty walking, and I realize that alone will make this difficult. It will be hard. I think it will be worth it.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Alaska is becoming more and more likely the location we will be homesteading. I detest the cold, but the only other place that is tax-free is Texas, which may not stay that way. I do not want to homestead somewhere, not have a "full-time job" and lose my home because of it, simply because some bureaucrat decided I needed to support him. I want to live in area with no government, including public schools, police, fire department, etc. I want to defend my own land, school my own children(yes I do intend to have internet access so they can get online), and protect my own home and family. I have the highest respect for law-enforcement, but I see it as my job, nobody else's. Basically, I want to out in the middle of nowhere taking care of me and mine.
I am coming up with a design, which will, of course, depend on the local terrain, to create an all-in-one underground or similar-type house, barn and greenhouse so I never have to leave the warmth. Cold, as you may recall, is painful for me. I will need a reliable source of water, artificial lighting and a source of energy for it(I imagine solar is out in the winter!) good stores of dried, canned and frozen foods of various types and a whole heck of a lot of determination. I know I can do this, but I need to do even more research first as well as stocking up on a lot of things!
For now, I have time. I don't believe the world will end or the grocery stores will run out any time soon. Heritage plants will still be able to be purchased next year, and so will chickens, cattle, goats, bees, and rabbits. 2012 will be just the same as 2011. Unfortunately.
Monday, May 23, 2011
I am currently reading "Strong Survival: The Life and Times of a Mountain Woman" by Cliffie Strong.
There a quite a few good ideas in it so far, and I haven't even read all that far in it. I have also read several other homesteading books, which I will list when I find them.
Blessed Be.
Blessed Be.
Monday, February 7, 2011
I have been researching homesteading while disabled. There seems to be little on the subject. I did find one blog on homesteading with chronic pain and it seems to be a very good one. Chronic pain, as my readers know, is the reason I am disabled. I hope to be able to eliminate the pain soon and become employed to earn money to accomplish my dream of homesteading, but I'm certain this pain will never completely leave. That's fine, I am an excellent improviser. I have been working on ideas on using various degrees of my disability to my advantage, even, gods help me, should I be confined to a wheelchair. When I am certain an idea will work, through trial and error, I will gladly post them here. Meanwhile, I am am continuing my research and implementing much of what I learn in my daily life.
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